Agile Philly

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Demo of Watir Web-Driver for Automated Testing

Event Details

Demo of Watir Web-Driver for Automated Testing

Time: March 17, 2015 from 6:30pm to 8:45pm
Location: Vertex
Street: 1031 Old Cassatt Road
City/Town: Berwyn / Paoli 19312
Event Type: meeting, testing, watir, automated, webdriver
Organized By: John Voris, Lead Coordinator
Latest Activity: Aug 23, 2017

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Event Description

Ruby, Watir Web-Driver, Cucumber, Gerkin

. . . You have heard about them, now understand what they can do for you.  This is a demo of state-of-the-art Automated Testing Open Source Software.


The main take-away for attendees is that Automated Testing software is not a huge investment in money or time, and it can begin in fairly small ways.

Using the stack presented, you can start automated testing with state-of-the-art software against your application by investing half a day. . . installation, configuring and scripting.


Presented by the team of  . . . .

Scott Clark, Chatham Finanacial

Mike Moyer, Tester Extraordinaire

John Voris, Moderator


(By the way, Watir is pronounced exactly like Water )


Comment Wall


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Comment by John Voris, Lead Coordinator on February 4, 2016 at 10:14am

Perhaps we should have a meeting soon to also look at a similar and more generic tool for groovy browser automation, web testing & screen scraping called GEB.  ;

Any volunteers ?

Comment by John Voris, Lead Coordinator on March 23, 2015 at 9:50am

Other resources . . .  Mike Moyer mentioned his favorite on-line resource, "Ruby in 20 minutes"


Comment by Michael Harris on March 20, 2015 at 9:17am

Perfect!  Thanks Scott

Comment by Scott Clark on March 19, 2015 at 11:10pm

Michael: Thanks! Here are some of the links I referred to: It costs money ($15) but I definitely recommend the "Cucumber & Cheese" book as a great start to finish tutorial on automated testing using cucumber and webdriver.

Comment by Michael Harris on March 19, 2015 at 9:19am

I thought this was a great event.  I learned a lot in a short space of time and it generated some interesting ideas.  Exactly what I'm looking for in these sessions.  Thanks to all.  Just one question:  Scott referred several times to a set of "how to" and reference links - where can we find those please?

Comment by John Voris, Lead Coordinator on March 16, 2015 at 9:50am

The sample project from Scott Clark:

We will have an empty project that we will start with for the demo and set out to write tests, having a finished project on hand to refer to if needed. This will serve as a resource , since the code comments can help anyone start learning it.

We will start first by writing a plain, raw Watir Webdriver script (no cucumber or anything) and then from there we can try and see how to write the same script with cucumber.

I don't expect to have enough time to complete a whole project, but we should at least be able to get through writing the Webdriver script and and a little bit of cucumber.


Attending (29)

Might attend (6)


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