Agile Philly

Committed to helping members build better software

September 2009 Blog Posts (3)

Join our LinkedIn Group too!

There are lots of ways to get plugged in to Agile Philly. We run a LinkedIn group, an e-mail announcements and discussion group, and this web site.

Why bother? Being a member of Agile Philly gets you free access to the best thought leaders, trainers and consultants in the world (don't take my word for it--look at our…


Added by D. André Dhondt on September 24, 2009 at 7:20pm — No Comments

The Almost Daily Sit-Downs

You can find literally hundreds of blog posts and articles on the Daily Standup, a.k.a. Daily Scrum. But there is little written about what often comes, or at least should come, after, the Daily Standup.

What, you may ask, should come after the Daily Standup? Well, the Almost Daily Sit-Downs of course!

To find out more about the Almost Daily Sit-Downs, check out my companies blog at...…


Added by David A. Bulkin on September 7, 2009 at 11:31pm — 3 Comments

What I am thinking about software development

To some extent, the golden age of software development is over. Starting in the 1960's and going at least through 1999, most companies and corporations spent a large proportion of their IT budgets developing and maintaining their own software. This was a time when the number of software developers expanded from near zero to millions of people in the US and many millions more around the world.

That expansion is now over. I believe that the absolute number of software development positions… Continue

Added by Joel A. Adams on September 4, 2009 at 10:45am — 4 Comments


At AgilePhilly, we have been Promoting Agile Ideas since 1776

AgilePhilly is a not-for-profit user group of volunteers in the Philadelphia area dedicated to better software development practices.


Meetings are monthly. Get meeting reminders by joining here.  

  • Our events are Free but you must RSVP.  We have Evening Meetings in the Western Suburbs, usually on the Third Tuesday.  They usually begin at 6:30 pm.  A sample agenda would be:
    • 6:30-7:00 pm: Eat & Greet & Network
    • 7:00-8:20 Main Topic/Speaker
    • 8:20-8:30 Q & A , Pack-Up, More Networking

  • Our Sponsors cover the cost of pizza / sandwiches for an evening.

Our attempt with the group is to provide an environment where you can exchange ideas and meet with individuals involved in agile community.

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