Time: November 10, 2020 all day
Location: Downtown - Fringe Arts Theater
City/Town: Philly
Website or Map: http://www.ministryoftesting.…
Event Type: test, bash, conference, mifflin
Organized By: Richard Bradshaw (@FriendlyTester) , Ministry of Testing
Latest Activity: Nov 5, 2020
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We in AMERICA remember Fort Mifflin when we think of early November.
Fort Mifflin was the largest naval bombardment until Normandy in June 1944
240 soldiers at the fort delayed the British takeover of Philadelphia, which allowed the citizens time to flee the city and take all the ingredients and recipes for Cheesesteaks and Cannollis, preventing these important assets from falling into British hands.
Fort Mifflin was also a prison for Confederate Soldiers during the American Civil War
Typically, the TESTBASH conference is the US equivalent of the TESTBASH LONDON that is hosted by the group MINISTRY OF TESTING.
Usually it is a two day conference falling on November 10 and 11 at the FringeArts Theater in Philadelphia.
More info about TESTBASH and the Ministry of Testing who sponnsor this conference
They usually have a great Speaker List
Some years, the North American Venue was in NYC.
And when it is at the Fringe Arts Theater near Columbus Ave and the Riverfront in South Philly . . . I always pushed for "Mummers and Hummers" Parade down Columbus Avenue" . . . Imagine strutting to the sound of Saxophones and Banjos and Roaring Engines in the middle of the night. Then culminating with the Battle of the Cheesesteaks at 9th & Wharton & Passyunk. That'll show those Brits that South Philly never forgits.
What is so special about November 10 ?
Besides being close to Guy Fawkes Day of November 5th, 1605 . . . Nov 10, 1777 at Ft Mifflin in the Delaware River near South Philadelphia was the largest bombardment of the Revolutionary War from British ships in the river )
so this is when we invite everyone out on Saturday & Sunday Nov 12,13 for Siege Wkend at nearby Fort Mifflin. $10 for the day
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