In true agile fashion, Agile Philly is a self-organizing group. We
take turns playing different roles to make sure our group moves
forward at a sustainable pace. When you feel it's your turn, feel
free to sign up for one of the following roles by sending a note to
AgilePhillyCoordinators at
Secretary (1+ month position):
* Takes notes at Agile Philly meetings, especially during the last
20-minutes in which Agile Philly business will be conducted.
* Adds the notes to the web site, keeping in mind that it's a great
way to help people that didn't attend get an idea of what they
Photographer (1+ month position):
* Takes photos at Agile Philly meetings
* Posts photos on the web site
Content Creator
* Add a ThoughtOfTheDay as a discussion topic on this site
* Add a Blog entry on this site
* Add a video on this site
Greeter (1+ month position):
* Actively monitors the list serve for new members and welcomes
them by letting them know when the upcoming meetings will be and
just helping new members get to know existing members.
* Takes care of monitoring RSVPs to meetings to let the venue know
how many people will be attending.
* Points people to the right place at events by waiting near the
Scheduler (3+ month position): the most critical role
* Responsible for discussing upcoming topics with members to gauge
* Seeks a venue and schedules it
* Seeks sponsors for refreshments
Marketing (3 month position):
* Spreads the word about Agile Philly to draw more people in to be
a part of the organization.
* We can all do this for AgilePhilly !