Time: June 19, 2019 from 12am to 1pm
Location: Online Webinar
Street: Online
Website or Map: https://www.testcraft.io/webi…
Event Type: product, tank, meetup
Latest Activity: Jun 14, 2019
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12 Noon - 1 pm Weds June 19
Speaker Tanya Kravtsov identifies and challenges the bottlenecks we face as Dev and QA professionals. Tanya is the Senior Director of QA at Audible, a passionate speaker, and the founder of the DevOpsQA NJ Meetup group. She will present a webinar on, “Breaking the Bottleneck: Driving QA Transformation in Agile Organizations” on June 19, 2019, at 12:00 PM (EST)
Since Agile is based on continuous delivery, anything that breaks this continuity is considered a bottleneck. Often, QA is perceived as that bottleneck which prevents the development organization from embracing quality and results in production issues and ever-growing technical debt. In this webinar, Tanya will share her experience of driving QA transformations in Agile organizations, as well as explore various tools and techniques that can help identify true bottlenecks in the product development process and help to alleviate them. She will discuss how organizations can leverage automation, machine learning, and out-of-the-box thinking to stay on top of their technical debt and continuously improve.
Expect to Learn:
The webinar will end with a Q&A.
Speaker: Tanya Kravtsov, Senior Director at Audible, founder of DevOpsQA NJ meetup group, & speaker
Tanya Kravtsov is a Senior Director of QA at Audible, leading the QA organization with a goal to transform development and testing practices to support innovative product development at scale. Tanya is passionate about quality, process automation and delivery lifecycle optimization with extensive experience building and training new teams and helping organizations adopt Agile and DevOps practices. Tanya is a founder of the DevOpsQA NJ Meetup group and a speaker at events including StarEast, Øredev, QUEST, TestBash, Anita Borg Women in Tech, Agile Camp and the Jenkins User Conference. Follow her on Twitter @DevOpsQA
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