Time: September 11, 2021 all day
Location: a lonely back road
City/Town: near the village of Christiana in Lancaster County
Website or Map: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki…
Event Type: historical, marker
Organized By: John Voris, Lead Coordinator
Latest Activity: Dec 13, 2019
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Christiana Riots Sept 11, 1851
"In Christiana, Pennsylvania, a group of African Americans and white abolitionists skirmish with a Maryland posse intent on capturing four fugitive slaves hidden in the town. The violence came one year after the second fugitive slave law was passed by Congress, requiring the return of all escaped slaves to their owners in the South. One member of the posse, landowner Edward Gorsuch, was killed and two others wounded during the fight. In the aftermath of the so-called Christiana Riot, 37 African Americans and one white man were arrested and charged with treason under the provisions of the Fugitive Slave Law. Most were acquitted.
The historical marker is on a quiet back road in Lancaster County near the Robert Fulton Birthplace House.
Our generation does not have the sole province of history. We only bath in the stream.
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