Agile Philly

Committed to helping members build better software

Event Details

Nothing to Crosspost

Time: June 7, 2018 from 6pm to 7pm
Location: Normal days can be anywhere, almost anytime
Website or Map:…
Event Type: a, normal, day
Organized By: the Dinosaurs apparently
Latest Activity: Jul 25, 2018

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Event Description

Finally, a day and evening with nothing to crosspost.

This is an actual , perfectly NORMAL DAY . . .

a day when it seems there is nothing special to celebrate

which is by itself, almost something to celebrate

So why this day of all days ?

I picked the date for this NORMAL DAY to coincide with June 7, 1854 - the date of the founding of the Town of Normal in Central Illinois,_Illinois

But is there such a thing as a normal day when there is nothing to celebrate? Probably not, you say.

You would be right.  A quick google search shows the extent that the myriad of national marketing and product associations have engaged in slurping up every random date on the calendar, and by so doing, usurping the calendar for their own devious designs.


And so, alas, we share the date June 7th with National VCR  Day and National Running Day.  At least we have the consolation that this is also National Chocolate Ice Cream Day.  Enjoy.

( I will not comment on how Prince, VP Pence, and singer Tom Jones were all born on this day - a most diverse group of individuals. )

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At AgilePhilly, we have been Promoting Agile Ideas since 1776

AgilePhilly is a not-for-profit user group of volunteers in the Philadelphia area dedicated to better software development practices.


Meetings are monthly. Get meeting reminders by joining here.  

  • Our events are Free but you must RSVP.  We have Evening Meetings in the Western Suburbs, usually on the Third Tuesday.  They usually begin at 6:30 pm.  A sample agenda would be:
    • 6:30-7:00 pm: Eat & Greet & Network
    • 7:00-8:20 Main Topic/Speaker
    • 8:20-8:30 Q & A , Pack-Up, More Networking

  • Our Sponsors cover the cost of pizza / sandwiches for an evening.

Our attempt with the group is to provide an environment where you can exchange ideas and meet with individuals involved in agile community.

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